TLP-03 Solving Problems
About this guide
If you're trying to plan a curriculum for your guitar students, it's tempting to just create a plan that covers all the topics you think the student should learn. While that approach will be fine for some students, it's not ideal.
Every student you teach will experience problems along the way - it's an essential part of the learning process. If your student isn't experiencing problems - they're not learning. So it's important to remember that dealing with problems is a crucial part of any curriculum you create.
It's common to think of solving problems as a short and temporary break in your usual lessons. For example if a student has trouble placing their fingers in the correct position in a chord, you need to deal with that problem before you 'get back to the real lesson stuff'. In this guide you will learn why that's the wrong approach in most situations and why we should treat problems in a very different way.
By the end of this guide you will know how to deal with problems from a learning point of view and treat them properly in your curriculum for your students. Don't treat problems as temporary obstacles - they're much more important than that.