
Easy Business Plans for Guitar Teachers

An important side to being a guitar teacher is the business side. Understanding how to keep track of your progress, how to market yourself and how to grow your business are extremely important.

Having your own business plan can simply the business side of things and give you direction. Rather than sift through a lot of information on business plans, we've put a simple tool together to help you create your own business plan. We've cut out all the irrelevant information that plague so many other business plans while focusing on the key points that make a difference.

Our tool will provide you with a quick snapshot on what you need to focus on and what you need to do to succeed. You don't need to know anything about mission statements, executive summaries or any of the other fancy aspects of business plans. The whole point of our new tool is to provide you with exactly what you need to succeed.

Create your own business plan here

If you're a Live and Teach Guitar Member your plan will be saved and you will be able to view and update it any time you log in. You will also have the option to request support from us. We can go through your business plan with you and provide you with guidance on strategies you can use to achieve your goals.

If you want to read up on business plans before you create your own, we've prepared a guide at BPL-04 Business Plans for Guitar Teachers to give you some background information on what makes a good business plan.

BPL-04 Business Plans for Guitar Teachers

About this guide

Creating a business plan can help clarify what you need to do to succeed as a guitar teacher. Studies have found time and time again that businesses that use a business plan become more successful than businesses that don't. While that doesn't mean you can't succeed without one, a well thought out business plan can definitely help.

In this guide you will put together your own useful business plan to help you either start teaching guitar or to grow your teaching business. By the end of the guide you will have a strong understanding on exactly what you need to do to succeed. Instead of taking a trial and error approach you will have a logical process to follow. We've helped many guitar teachers get started and grow their teaching business so you will be able to apply the most useful strategies and have a business plan that works.

What Makes A Good Business Plan

The number one point to remember with business plans is that they're only useful if you actually use them. You can have the best business plan in the world but if it never comes out of your bottom drawer then it's useless. The purpose of this guide is to give you a business plan that you will actually use and find helpful.

There's a lot of misconceptions on what should be included in a business plan. Here you will learn what you should and shouldn't focus on.

Here's what DOESN'T make a good business plan:

  • Fancy headings and layouts
  • 100+ pages
  • Long and wordy 'mission statements'
  • Cliche phrases like 'innovation', 'synergy', 'push the envelope'
  • Overly technical language, business jargon or acronyms
  • Pointless information to make it sound impressive

The above points are very common in a lot of business plans from small and big businesses. Using fancy sounding words and over the top mission statements don't do anything to help a business succeed. The reason these points are so common is because business owners and managers mistakenly feel that a business plan must sound bold and impressive. The truth is that a 100+ page business plan filled with long mission statements and cliche phrases won't be used at all.

Now let's look at what actually makes a good business plan that can help you grow your guitar teaching business.

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