New Resources in October

Here's a quick summary of new resources made available in October. We're constantly adding new lesson plans, guides and courses so check back regularly to see our latest updates.

Business Guides:

BWS-06 Website Usability Testing - this guide provides you with an effective method to improve your website's performance. You will identify how people use your website and what areas are causing problems.

BTD-02 You Can't Find Any New Students - it can be extremely frustrating when it seems you cannot find any new students. This guide will help you identify possible causes and work on attracting new students.

BPL-12 Lesson Policies and Agreements - while having lesson policies are important to keeping your business running smoothly, policies improperly set up can cause problems. This guide will help you set up effective policies and decide how to present them to your students.

BMK-13 Guitar Lesson Tear-off Flyer - a simple tear-off flyer can be an effective way to attract more students in your local area. The template provided gives you a simple starting point you can customize and print off.


Teaching Guides:

TPD-01 Myths About Learning - there are a lot of myths around teaching and learning. Read through these commonly held myths to ensure you don't mistakenly fall for one of them.

TBP-03 Students With Low Motivation - low motivation is a symptom of a completely different problem. This guide will help you identify the cause of low motivation and help your student overcome it.

TBE-03 Teaching Songs - learn best practices for teaching songs to your students.

TBE-04 Teaching Scales - learn best practices for teaching scales to your students.

TGP-01 Setting up Group Lessons - if you want to start offering group lessons, this guide will provide you with everything you need to get started and work out what type of group you would be best suited to teach.

TGP-02 Keys to Group Success - group lessons need a completely different approach to one-on-one lessons. This guide provides you with key principles and ideas to use in group lessons.


Podcast Episode 3 - a few different career options are discussed to give you an idea of what other directions you could take as a guitar teacher.