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BSR-01 Building a Community

About this guide

Student retention is an issue for all guitar teachers. Keeping students motivated to come back for future lessons is sometimes easy and sometimes difficult. Retaining students reduces the need to find new students. The most successful guitar teachers have high retention rates which means they're not constantly chasing new students.

In this guide we will look at how building a community can improve student retention.

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BWS-10 Case Study: Matt Warnock

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Seeing how other guitarists successfully use their website to promote their lessons or products is a great way to improve your own website. Rather than take a trial and error approach, you can follow paths other teachers have successfully taken and try to replicate their results.

In this guide we'll take a look at Matt Warnock's website and how he uses it to promote his lessons and products.

Who is Matt Warnock

If you're interested in Jazz, the chances are you would have stumbled on Matt Warnock's website at some point. If you teach Jazz then the chances are even higher that your students have seen his website.

The reason we are looking at Matt as a case study is because his website ranks very well for keywords related to learning Jazz. He has built up a solid reputation online as a Jazz guitar teacher and has a large following across social media.

His website isn't perfect, but he gets a lot of things right so its worth checking out. You don't need to copy everything he does with his website. Instead, think about what parts you can take across and use on your website.

Take a Look at Matt's Website Before Continuing

Before we analyze his website, check it out:

Read through different pages, check out what products he has for sale and get an overall feel for his website. Think about what you like about it and what you don't like about it. Take notes on any areas you feel are important. Now let's dig into it and see what you can take across to your own website.

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BWS-09 Lead Magnets

About this Guide

Most people who find out about you online won't contact you for lessons in that first instance. People usually need some time to decide to take lessons with a teacher so the first time a person lands on your website, the chances are they will leave without contacting you.

In this guide we will look at how you can give that person a reason to come back and possibly get directly in touch with them to discuss lessons.

We'll also look at a real-life example of an excellent use of lead magnets by a piano teacher. We'll show you exactly how the teacher uses them, some of the results he gets out of it and how you can do the exact same thing.

What Are Lead Magnets?

A 'lead magnet' is something that attracts the attention of potential students and motivates them into giving you their email address. The goal of the lead magnet is to get a visitor's details before they leave your website.

The chances are you have seen lead magnets in action across different websites. Whenever a website offers to give you something (eg: eBook, video access, bonus content) in exchange for your email address, that's a lead magnet in action.

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BPS-01 Buying Gift Vouchers

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It's quite common for people to buy guitar lesson gift vouchers for friends or family members wanting to learn guitar. Offering gift vouchers is a very easy way to gain new students. It also helps you reach potential students you never would have reached.

In this guide we'll look at how to respond to any inquiries on guitar lessons from somebody considering paying for some lessons as a gift. How you handle the initial conversation is crucial as you're unlikely to get a second chance.

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BMK-16 Facebook Lead Ads

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Facebook's ad platform offers guitar teachers a variety of ways to promote their lessons. In this guide we will look at 'Facebook Lead Ads' which can be ideal when you're trying to grow your student numbers.

In this guide we'll explain the basics of Lead Ads and how to use them. By the end of this guide you'll be able to make better decisions with your Lead Ads to achieve better results.

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BMK-24 Targeting Life Events

About this guide

People who are interested in learning guitar are highly likely to receive one as a gift on a birthday, Christmas or any other relevant celebration. It happens incredibly often - so often that trying to target these people with smart marketing is a great strategy. We talked about how you can try to target people who are buying a guitar as a gift in the guide BMK-11, but this guide will go much further.
This guide will show you how you can target people who are likely to buy a guitar lesson voucher for a friend or family member. By the end of the guide you will be able to accurately target the right people and persuade them to buy a guitar lesson voucher from you.

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BWS-08 Local SEO Best Practices

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Local SEO is about how you optimize your website for people searching in your local area. A person who searches for "guitar teachers in Wellington" is highly likely to want to find a guitar teacher in that area. If you can optimize your website so your website ranks well for those search terms, you can attract more potential students.

In this guide we will look at some best practices and tips you can apply to optimize your website for local search. Local SEO is incredibly important for your success as a guitar teacher so take your time reading and applying the strategies below.

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BMK-23 Scarcity Marketing

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If your main method of promoting your guitar lessons is posters, flyers and business cards, this guide is for you. While those marketing methods do have their place, you have a lot more options available. A lot of research has gone into marketing for services over the decades and we as guitar teachers can learn a lot from how other industries promote their products and services.

This guide will explain what scarcity marketing is, why it's so effective and how you can use it to convince potential students to take action and sign up for lessons. By the end of this guide you will have a strong understanding of how to apply this strategy and also incorporate it into your existing marketing methods.

What is Scarcity Marketing

Have you ever looked at booking a hotel online and saw a message saying "only 3 rooms left!"? Have you ever looked at an online store and it said "24 people have purchased this item in the last 24 hours"? If not, you will start noticing it now.

Let's look at a few examples across different industries before we look at how they use scarcity:

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BMG-01 Online Teaching Platforms

If you want to teach guitar online, there are many different options. You can do as many guitar teachers do and teach via Skype as explained in EXP-01. But if you want a flexible tutoring platform that allows you to share transcriptions, have a virtual whiteboard and other tools, you might want to look into online tutoring platforms. This article will look at some of the top online tutoring platforms available today.

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EXP-12 Referral Programs

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Referral programs are a very common way to try and gain new students. The basic idea is to give your current students some incentive to refer their friends or family to you. This guide will look at what works, what doesn't work and how you can set up an effective referral program.

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